Owing Someone a poem, I looked back to a prayer that was written sometime in the 14th century (sometime before 1334), Anima Christi. The original latin text is very beautiful, and mine is a poor homage to the original writer. As further homage to the original writer, I kept a tighter prose and beat with a 9(x5 a,a)/14(x3 a,a) combination.
What is to love for the original latin is the sparseness in its execution, making the prayer almost a plea (as many prayers are). Catholics may know the prayer as one to recite upon taking the Eucharist, surrendering to its immediancy with the Host upon their tongue:
"Soul of Christ, my sanctification
The Body of Christ, my salvation
Blood of Christ, my inebriation
Water from Christ's side: sin's ablution
Passion of Christ, our torment's lessened.
O Good Jesus, hear my plea:
Let me not be loosed from The.
To me, defend from devilry;
Bind me in eternity.
And, alike with saints before,
Kneel at Thy throne evermore. Amen"