Monday, November 21, 2011

...lesser known keeps of dross for the holiday tide...

Off the beaten track for some:  places to help search for that unique or inspired gift.  The Etsy section is based on my own tastes, but I think, if you really demand something unique, that's the place to go.

Think Geek - always a fun place to tool around, find specials and get chic geek items.
Discover This - for science kits and project material
Phat Collectibles - expansive collection of current and harder to find action figures and collectibles
The Onion - for the jokester, or, for someone you hate
Carol Wright - have to shop at the low end to appreciate the I right seniors?
Constructive Playthings - another local place (like Phat) that has an assortment of more organic toys
Lillian Vernon - more educational and non commercial toys
Scientifics Online - level 10 science toys
Things You Never Knew - junk, but...but...funny junk
Funky Fridge - magnets, for fridges
Robot Store - Jameco's succinct place
What On Earth - same as next
Signals - literary gifts for those who still enjoy the art of reading...ladies, am I right?
Deviant Art/Photos/Places - get a unique print for a friend, by an independent spirit
Entertainment Guide Books - I like it as a standby or secret Santa
Magellans - traveler in your midst?
Steampunk Play - adventuresome kids may enjoy these items, plus, no one else will get the same
Dictionary Collage - I'm partial to these, plus they are inexpensive
Small Prints - she prefers city scenes, but they are picturesque
Shira Mazor - is on maternity leave, but has great wire jewelry
Food Candle - again, partial to things, such as wax fruit candles, I don't know why
Fine Heart Jewelry - gorgeous hand crafted stuff, love the lapis
Dream Steampunk - unique designs and items
Hand Struck Jewelry - more steampunk, but I like her take on rings

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