Tuesday, February 5, 2013

...364, because...

None have in this way found What otherwise construe as chaos The tempestuous undulate that can Only thinly disguise as coherency Grant solace in that wish given Herein 364 devotions writ In breaths and in storms Across the sphere, upon the very air Is art The visage that sears memorial E'en tho one calendar has elasped When many have passed in agonies The tempo of it triple time Fleet foretell in the trill canopy The mind's cacophony Spare naught that it should be embued Why cannot let it loose from me That I fall to break from thee And 364 from this continue 'gain To prove what true? No mimicry in one to another employ Honesty Reason Truth What are those things this day? What were they but fancies thrown away? What were they to me but to simple breathe.

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