Monday, March 4, 2013

...more than a situation...04mar13

Ah, March, when the allergies kick my face like a used up pole dancer with perfume that sat in the remainder bin for a reason.  Here's a few updates today:

--- Wattpad, "The Law of the Proctor Elect": second chapter uploaded today.  What will happen next to Presam? 

--- EdwardianJackal "The Story": realigned the story offerings at the website along with a bibliography

--- CafePress: "That's My Boy!" having fun with a plastic dinosaur  I figure this is Boz and his son Parker.  They were having a good time at the pier and hit one of those photo booths.

--- Twitpic: building out a hefty wall of photos of restaurants in the Southland  Can't stop going out no matter what little money I have left.  :(

--- Interesting in furthering the adventure?  Try Lulu and .99 books!

Thanks for visiting and more to come in the next couple of weeks!  <3 p="" ya="">

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