Wednesday, August 14, 2013

...the "most" exciting toys from recent ('13) conventions...

As always, no particular order...but the most intriguing toys (or even just the possible toys) from the recent conventions.  Considering that Christmas is around the corner, prolly some interesting ideas to consider for the toy lover in your life.  Toy lover is probably all they've been called.  Zing!

7. Sideshow Collectibles' Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy Maquettes (more than likely $249 apiece):  Aside from the obvious subject matter, these intriguing pieces simply display the artistry of comic book statues.  They attempt to transcend comic art by taking the best of all that is that character and placing them in a pose that you cannot tire of.  We see with Mary Jane the hotness of the girl next door, and, for those Spidey fans, we already know the 'why' of loving her as Peter does.  She embodies the perfect girlfriend, donning his shirt, but not wearing it: she's supportive despite the problems his life imposes upon them.  With Gwen Stacy we see the girl that can love Peter, but almost unattainable - just drop dead confidence and gorgeous.

6. Hobbit 2: there was some very beautiful pieces out at Barnes and Noble last year, prior to the release and prior to the holidays, so I'm hoping there's pieces available with '2'.  I'm not holding my breath, my impression is that merchandising LOTR is a pain in the ass.  There are horrendous action figures to contend with (much better if they just went statue).  But a few light spots out now that hopefully spur some cool stuff by December: Noble Collection's Bilbo's Contract, HobbitShop's Parchment Map of Middle-Earth (from the Hobbit), or Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's Leather Bound Hobbit Edition.

Star Trek TOS Fine Art Coasters Set 1 - Convention Exclusive
BONUS: Star Trek Retro Revisionist Poster Coasters

5. Adventure Time: has taken off to juggernaut status in recent years.  The toys weren't around the first season, but they've exploded all over your face if you visit Toys R Us or your favorite online toy shop.  I'm partial to the comics from a collecting stand-point, but there's so much goodness out there.  The best place I've found is ToyWiz, here's their electronic section for toys coming down in September.  Lemongrab will go quickly!

4. Doctor Who: another series that has taken off, puns aside, and has spawned a bevy of items.  It's not surprising to see them from Barnes and Noble all the way to Target these days.  It's a bit much in my opinion, but to each his own.  Like LOTR, DW has atrocious action figures that looked as if they came straightaways from a border town where molds were fashioned with giant clenched fists.  However, there are some bright spots, particularly at ThinkGeek, to whit: the TARDIS door cling, TARDIS money bank, and, not endorsed, Doctor Who Underoos.


3. Tomorrowland: unknown what this will be about, but we know that it came forth from this box in Disney's Vault.  I'm hoping futuristic retro-chic items.  But, alas, we have nothing to see for now.

2. Twilight Zone: Henry Bemis Book Box and Replica Glasses.  Only problem I have is the lack of labeling on the books.  There would be titles, right?  No matter, there's an "A" for effort here.  I've actually gottten their Mystic Sear Bobble for my office (although not many seem to remember it :( ).  No matter again, for I do!

BONUS: Rarrgh!
1. Tin Lunch Boxes: are making a comeback at Entertainment Earth with Bif Bang Pow's collection.  My favorite right now is The Six Million Dollar Man's showing - I hope it's nearly as big as it was back in teh day!

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