Monday, October 14, 2013

..."The Most": A Cavalcade of Ingenious Halloween Candy '13...

What can be said about the joyous cacophony of colored treats that is Halloween?  It brings back memories of what was possible as we would go around a gaggle of stranger's houses doing exactly that which were told explicitly not to do.  In fact, unheard of today, is that one of my favorite scores on Halloween was this older lady that lived on Aristocrat Street in Garden Grove.  For at least the two times I was able to hit my best friend's street, she'd have freshly made caramel balls.  I mean, fresh: dripping with caramel and butter and a wee bit of salt, they would spot mark the paper bags they came in.  And, get this, she would complain that kid's didn't like it.  Didn't like it?!  I can still taste them in my mind today.  She didn't know that she was a queen among dross.  That thing was gone by the end of the walk, including my little buddies that didn't know heaven in a paper bag.  That doesn't sound right, does it?

Here's candy that I try to round out each year with my boys: interactive candy is the bestest.  Yes Virginia - each picture links to where you can order!  HTMLroolz<<<!

Oriental Trading's Interlocking Skeleton Candy
Not always anatomically correct, but fine trying

Oriental Trading's Realistic Gummy Earth Worms
Sprinkle in some Oreo cookies for 'dirt'

Groovy Candy selling Ghost Peeps
Saw one site have these on a stick and choco-dipped
Groovy Candy selling Round Up Candy Cigarettes
There's a time when smoking was cool - oh, yeah now

Tower of Sour's Urine Sample
*tss tss whatever urine to - get it? 

Candy Warehouse's Giant Gummy Skull ~ >$50Perverse eating, my teeth are ready

Lik-m-aid's Fun Dip - got one on a Halloween, once.
They really ought to go back to this packaging - how else
did you know the flavor?

Chocodiles, but not necessary Hostess'
Oh man were these the bomba back in '81

See's Candies Orange Krispys
Showing some love for my peeps at See's

Starburst Fruit Flavored Candy Corn
I'm thinking I can hit the entire bag

Hershey Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkin
The schools would go nuts if this made it's
way on campus - call the National Guard
Jelly Belly's Gummy Rat
The boys got one from Michael's the other
day, they love animals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your post is missing even the simplest of image attributions to Gregg Koenig for the Chocodile box photo. Not that he released his image via a creative commons anyway.