Sunday, April 26, 2015

...April is National Poetry a book...

April is National Poetry Month and the only reason I knew was because a visit to the library today
And an end cap with books and a rough-hewn titular sign of poets and poetess'
Of course I took Plath (softcover this time)
I was there to pay a $1 fine with a $100 bill, it wasn't good
"You would wipe us out of cash," she said, and who wouldn't believe her?
I tried to buy a $10 Friends of the Library bag to assuage, but even $89 was too rich on a Saturday
"Here's a card", my OCD won't allow that fine to exist one more day,
"You could pay it next time."
I cannot she won't understand.  I took out the card and lay it down, pushing it forward as this is going down.


BUY A POETRY BOOK - Barnes and Noble

BUY A POETRY BOOK - Hamilton Books

Saturday, April 25, 2015 my life...if only...

There is comfort: that my hand, a wraith, reaches through the impenetrable void
The smoke walls of thought and focus upon you
Beyond the window as I lay, dotted lights a string of watchful electric eyes
Like ancient Greek owls mythical and never blinking
It's quiet tonight, for once...
Through those mists that I may sense you there, your hair shadow within shadow,
Melting into the pitch as ink upon ink
Thousands of whispers are meant to softly settle in the sanctuary of your heart
"If only" I say...a mantra, "if only" (my heart pains otherwise if I don't)

Wandering the halls of museums alone, as is my wont, a modicum of peace
Intersecting proofs as if love were but theorem and statement
"How shall I then thus prove?  How shall I then, that Fate, shall move?"
I know the stoic stone faces stare in answer: lidless eyes acknowledge not.

Pull together every sigh that elicited rhyme since the very moment that early man saw across
the ancient fires and lay them bare.
I should call you 'Little Bird' and you respond as if it were your name since, like, forever
The warmth of my hand as if to codify that blood runs deep and cannot lie

"List and mark", I cry as the song underlies the aimless drive
If these wings could fly she sings the hot streaks burn
All ahead is blur of red and tungsten and this is self-serving I tell myself to stop.
Curse me that I was born aslant but not apart
Laugh, foul Fiend. at the irony.
"Fool!" he says back and all he needs to say.

Yet I'll say and please believe,
Naught for me, none for I.
Only raw wounds writ: all I can offer
For I add nothing to that which is already perfect, in you (naught for me).
A song for its own sake:
Oh, Little Bird...

Thursday, April 23, 2015


...poetry is form and movement...Sonoya...

"Contrary to vulgar legend the lives of great ballerinas are not entirely given up to a few minutes of graceful movement every night followed by champagne drunk out of their toeshoes till dawn, in the company of financiers ... no, most of their time is spent in filthy rehearsal halls, inhaling dust, or else in class, daily, year in year out, practicing, practicing even after they are already prima ballerinas." - GORE VIDAL, Death in the Fifth Position

Sonoya Mizuno
"On the other hand I do see how different it is. Ballet is something for which you need so much control and composure. And there's an element to acting that is the complete opposite. You have to be able to completely let go and reveal everything about yourself. It's about being very vulnerable." - Sonoya

Michael Carson
With Sonoya, she naturally draws upon those tremulous strings in her movement.  She is telling a story with her movement.  It is not necessarily her beauty or her face: she hardly 
makes a change there, as if it is a mask.  It is her control and expression of body that is poetry.

She has a role in Alex Garland's Ex Machina, released on April 10th.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

...trailer madness...SW...BvS...AoT...

There are a lot of trailers coming fast over the last week; the biggest by far is the second teaser for SW:TFA.  Again, let's remember that these are teasers.  A full trailer will have more context and narrative, where teasers are wrought with just-finished CG or even conceptual finished work.

So, without getting anything from the web and spurious 'teaser' releases, let's purely examine what we see in both teasers...

"There has been an awakening: have you felt it, the dark side and the light?" - Kylo Ren

"The Force is strong in my family.  My father has it.  I have it.  My sister has it.  You have that power too." - Luke Skywalker

My feeling is that J.J. Abrams is setting a foundation and the basis of the film.  It's no mistake that he chose the two primary protagonists, the Dark Side of Kylo Ren and the Light of Skywalker as the ones to introduce us to the new world.  It appears that the Force has been extinguished for many years, perhaps intentionally staying out of the politics of the Galaxy.  The mechanization of the old worlds are rotted and lay in desert sands.  It appears that both of the highest order of Sith and Jedi are rallying to start what was once lost.

The visuals play into this as well.  We see the familiar husks of the Rebellion versus the Empire.  However, we see an off-shoot of the Empire, with its new symbols and new stormtroopers, using familiar TIE fighters and Star Destroyers.  Their symbol is not even close to the Galactic 'Roundel' established by the Emperor.  It is a fierce symbol and the various fighters, the storm trooper, the TIE trooper and the glimmering Mandalorian mean business.  They are not the static clones of the past.

The Rebellion, if all goes back to what was lost, is not a centralized political entity.  It almost appears a fractured peace exists.  There is no Jedi Council.  And, by the looks of it, there is no political Senate.  This is the big question then: what is the backdrop in which the Force fights?  In Episodes 1-3 it was to fight off the growing threat of Separatists and Sith.  In Episodes 4-6 it was to break down the political cage of the Galactic Empire by Jedi and Rebellion.  It would be interesting if the next series is based on Terrorism.  The fractured, but deadly enemy...they don't seek power or a 'win', they only seek to destroy peace.

Of course we will no more when the full on trailer comes out.

BEYOND all that, we also have the trailer for BvS, which will set up the Justice League movies of the next couple of years.  They won't be Avengers-killers for sure: but it will be a super charge of money for Warner Brothers.

Attack on Titan - not sure if this will work for American audiences.  We don't even see their wire suits working.  This is a big blocking point if they can make the fight scenes as exciting as the anime.

Fantastic Four has Kate Mara: that is all.

Friday, April 3, 2015

...Kitten at the Troubadour Friday 4/3 and Saturday 4/4...

This is where I want to be tonight, if only I could.  The band is an unsung powerhouse.  $15 cover?  F'ing please.

Explore them here

From "G#":
So kiss this world goodnight
The pictures black and white (no, not again)
You're perfect in the light
Say good night