Take me, husband. As I would die than to have you from me.
No. The oracle's voyage may be the last.
Then I shall watch you until the horizon leaves no sign.
Alas! Not one night and we find ourselves covered in the frigid sheets of water: our ship falls. Alcyone!
I count the days, my husband, upon your return. This robe shall be your gift. Juno! Goddess! Find Ceyx and bid him to me.
Iris! Forth unto Somnus. Seek him at the Abode of Sleep.
Awake from thy slumber, stir from your bed, Somnus. Hear me apart from the beckoning Lethe and heed Juno's word. Send Alycone a sleep-turn sign of the fate of her love.Awake from thy blissful turn, son, my Morpheus and satisfy Juno's word.
Alcyone. As you slumber, see me as your drowned love. See my garments, my pale skin, my eyes are akin to the fish. Weep for me!
Oh, husband, then I, with you, will go.
The body of Ceyx was there in the ocean, washing to shore when she went to drown. The gods smiled kindly on the sight and Alycone became a bird, as did Ceyx - come to life and wing. Both sailed on along the waters. When mild peace settles the winter days, they are named for her, although halcyon.
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