Thursday, July 21, 2016

read:Gentleman Jack

and why the f@ck not
this morning was not to be without you
but here I am
Highway 1 at Huntington 
the sun not yet cleared the mountain
but Catalina illumed
the reds and oranges of early light
bounce off the cargo ships, moored
awaiting their turn in the churn

I woke up in my car and realization
sank me hard
that was it and there would be no more
a little left and a crack
and a gentleman no more
I hoped myself a laugh, maniacal
but nothing came

a wool poncho
and a pair of Reefs' my net worth
stolen from the Marriott (perfect fit)
(an uninvited party)
burping the smoky liquid
while clinging to the chain link 
above the estuary 
a seagull cautiously stares

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