Saturday, January 28, 2017

anniversary:"Pride and Prejudice" 28JAN1813

Wikipedia has Pride and Prejudice published upon two dates, but the common appears to be 28JAN in 1813 (where the printing date for the hardcover was the day prior).  And, for poor Ms. Austen, she was not given proper credit on the book, instead given "By the author of Sense and Sensibility" (and for that book, By a Lady).  Ugh.  Perhaps it is a modern sensibility that would think otherwise, but, perhaps there is respect in calling her a lady, in the least.

And, though difficult to calculate with accuracy (or so I have been told by Mr. Internet), the 140 pounds that Ms. Austen received was about the equivalent of $103,000.00 of today's dollars.  A tidy sum to be sure, and one that was able to give her a modicum of independence in her life.  (It was later, with Mansfield Park where she would make more than all of her prior novels combined.)  She lived modestly, committing herself to reading and writing, with only interludes of a romantic life.

It was the first Hollywood production of Pride, with Sir Laurence Olivier, that projected a romantic imprint upon the cinema.  From there, her novel has spawned dozens of imitations, many popular adaptations.  If it is said that there hasn't been a portrayal of strong women, I think it a disservice to Austen and Bronte - who brought a modern blush of womenhood in their novels.  Smart, winning and sure - unlike some of the pop depictions we must endure today.  Sigh.

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