Sunday, January 29, 2017

love:"of literacy" #magicofstorytelling

The outcome of caring people who care about
kids, literacy and the future!
Giving a child a love of reading will hardwire them to think critically, love more deeply, and see life as the precious gift that it is.  Literacy inspires us to reach beyond to think further than the bubble of our day to day.  At its best it connects us and allows us to share things in a way that the sheen of other media falls short.

If you see an uptick on this message its because of - where adding the hashtag #magicofstorytelling will assure a new book gets to a child and inspire them to reach beyond.

My son and I are blessed to have helped set up 49,300 books last Friday as part of First Book and Disney at the Lafayette Rec Center in LA.  It was a grueling 3 hours, but with dozens of VoluntEARS, we were able to offload 27 palettes of new books.  The idea is for the kids to create their own personal libraries.

No matter who you are or what stage of life, inspire others to read around you.  If you can, consider charities that strengthen the love of literacy to others.

There's nothing like a book.

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