Friday, October 20, 2017


on DeviantArt...
Fate never allowed
It only teased the potential, the heady glimmer of what could have been
It knew a passing reflection for a narcissist would be enough
Fate allowed enough
The declarative was all that's left

Summed in a glance and the warmth of a breath
Can't say the word gone
As there was nothing before or since, time never the factor
Does an idea hold time?

As the adage may sway when playing with it, an idea,
It, and of itself, is all naught
An empty hand
Here you were, all,
And all to me

I would have fought worlds, conquered stars
Cheated death, amassed armies, tore asunder all the world's foundations and built Parnassus anew
Had that chance been given
Fleeting as the shadow of a bird on the periphery

Quiet and unkempt
Lost in the other shadows


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