Monday, October 30, 2017

NaNoWriMo - Let Slip the Dogs of War

Getting prepped for this year's National November Writing Month.  (Last year's was cut short as I grieved with my family over our beloved cousin's tragic took much time, and we love her sorely, and time moves on...there isn't a day that goes by that one of us here thinks or talks about her...she was such a light.)

This year I am departing from my usual novel fodder and shifting to science fiction.  I've had more than a few short stories, but I have used my commute time to come up with a full three novel arch for a character that I've loved for some time - the 'huntress'.  There has been little depth to a character that I first envisioned back in college (with a video short called 'Hunter's Silhouette').  This time around, she is fully fleshed out with a back-drop of a universe that's been quelling inside.

I thank you for visiting my site and I'll be updating this month a lot of other efforts - video, podcast and artwork.  Keep coming back each week for something new!

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