Monday, July 2, 2012

lay out the blueprint.  when it is fresh it smells of prussian blue undefinable to any other smells (although, he will admit unselfishly it could be found in used bookstores - that's why he goes.  He won't buy a thing, but walk up and the down the aisles, fain interest in something then the other aisle.  He'll leave with a smile when the clerk misses him yet again.  He must think it stealing of some kind.)  he traces the schematic, across the lines where electrons will one day fall.  they must make there way back upon itself.  they must perform an action, must react, must continue down avenues and make processes upon cascading decisions.  capacitors here, regulating charge.  varistors here to keep the electric slop in check.  he measured out the voltage as he lead down the pathways of the circuit.  he would be correct, but he found places where they could be made more efficient, or, add processes for more work.

he adjusted his brown shell frames.  they would gain oil as the day wore on and tended to slip.  he brushed his arm across his brow, the grey shirt smelled of Salems.  the incandescent light strained his eyes after so many hours.  the lighter areas of the print tended to meld together by the end of day.

he made notes on a stenographers sheet and piled the good ones together - they were meticulously done, his secretary couldn't work with his normal writing.  he'll need them typed and ordered by drawing number tomorrow afternoon for the drawing pull down.

he rose and flipped out his fob, a carry-over from his father's father.  3:50pm.  late day.  the radio was playing Fifth Dimension, but a song he hadn't heard before.  must be new.

as he gathered his stuff he scanned the schematic again.  not for notes, but looking at them with a clear mind, processing them as if the first time.  entering long a long sheet laid across the tabletop of his mind.

he put his notes near the door, this time scanning the work around his lab and performing the same trick he did with the drawing.  this time, he played with work that needed to be done.

the remote controller rack needed to be done.  tomorrow will need to find time to take thirty minutes and put the RF kit together, power it and mount the dial.  it needed to have that working if it was going to pass QC by next week.  the pin on the ANT will throw a logic value (1) to the transistor and the lamp will go off.  the lamp was a problem since they were unreliable.  perhaps keeping it in a low cap state and heighten it once (1) is reached.  he saw the board on his page and put corresponding designation on them (GND, DATA, U1, C1, C14, ANT, L1, etc).

this may not take twenty minutes.  the light through the shades had moved across the floor, he let a few minutes escape him.  it was 420p now.  he raced off, threw the notes on jennifer's desk and pushed his way out of the double doors.

the light hit his face like a warm slap.  turn off that part now or he won't be able to sleep tonight.  a cold shower and a stiff one to even settle in.  put on a reel-to-reel of AFRTS that he recorded at Clark, they played a bunch of stuff that sounded like home.  music was coming from California and no where else the last two years, just inching below the Beatles.

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