Saturday, February 8, 2014

...let's get sideways..."7" favorite shred videos...08feb14...

Make merry and let your bladder be tickled, that, from the shores of dispair, you will find a trickle of pleasure. "Shred" videos are a delight and a respite from the perfection that is demanded day in and day out. Here are my favorite seven. We believe ourselves without stain, although, at least seven times a day, we should identify where we fail:

The first shred I was introduced to, quite by accident a few years ago, was Creed. There is a quality of abandon to this that makes it somewhat charming. Unfortunately, the original (HD) version has been lost (the person behind it has shut his initial site down), but you'll get the gist.

The Who shred and that tambourine sounds so fine.

The flute alone is worth the price of admission.

My only knowledge of Kiss as a child was them taking on a phantom of an abandoned amusement park.  Little did I know how good the 'sound' would be.

Love symphonic shredding.  I played in band in seventh grade and we were not far off the mark of this.

Technically not a shred video, but the flop sweat that I get listening to these guys is palpable.

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