Sunday, February 2, 2014

...#nights in #orangecounty...

...breaking the foodie twitpic'ing in favor of walking the streets at night, it's been a while since I've played with that mistress...
the next couple of months we'll find me driving all around in the not-so-dark of #orangecounty...exploits here

Buena Park has a series of inconspicuous power lines that run in and around Beach Blvd.  These are in the parking lot of the old Movieland Wax Museum.  Haven't been there in a while and wanted to see what happened to the facade as well as check out the old Po Folks building.

The answer was quick: not much.

Po Folks is still dark, but it appears Movieland is using some of it as run-off.  The latter is hosting the Titanic exhibit and Bodies.  Starbucks is the most hopping thing going on, and even then, it's an, um, eclectic spot to enjoy a cuppa joe.

Outside of these restless treks, much love over to - I'm vibing all over mid-century personal libraries and public ones.

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