Thursday, June 12, 2014

...Kickstarter Reading Rainbow...Call to Give...

Not that it's 'new' news, but LeVar Burton is attempting to raise 5 million dollars to bring back Reading Rainbow. The obvious, wondrous thing about Reading Rainbow is that it encourages children not only read, but to interact with books, and most importantly, share those stories. For me, as a child, it was a utopia of what the experience of being a reader is like.  We tell stories, we share stories, we live stories.  And, LeVar was the perfect host and his love of books is unquestionable.

Refreshing looking back, it is odd to have a world where children's television was apolitical.  There was a shield of sorts that allowed kids to enjoy and consume without the harangue of adults and their agenda, whatever that may be.  These were great stories, pure and simple and without the adornment of fashion and opinion.  It'll be interesting to see how LeVar can navigate in today's highly (overly) politicized environment.

There was also a learning experience in the format of RR.  They had lessons and values and trips to places you may not know about.

Sadly, despite it being on youtube for a year, the amount of hits is anemic.  It's hard to compete with drivel and sensationalism, then taking a moment, taking a breath, taking a break and opening a book.

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